6xSorrow: Pilot Script
6xsorrowPilot1Draft3 Clink on the title to read the a pilot episode of a six episode revenge fantasy.
6xsorrowPilot1Draft3 Clink on the title to read the a pilot episode of a six episode revenge fantasy.
This short film started as a script assignment through Full Sail University. You can read the script HERE and track what changed during the production. The rules set by the assignment were to write a story that someone could produce for around $100, have a shooting schedule of only a few days , and only […]
To Rust it will all return. That in which we mightily built and marveled at: what we culled from the rocks. Metal that shined bright and new like cloth sails or summer clouds now colors in dull red and fire orange – it reminds that there will be a cancerous chew And before that time […]
I came across this little poem of mine in a decade old notebook and liked it.. I took another shot at it and here is my result. The title was followed by “take 2” so naturally this is my third take. Because everyone has had to— Go through those Long and dirty days And […]
Hey Blue Where have you been? ‘Been looking all round, round looking for you Blue Seems it harder these days Have trouble now tryin to find A sign; a simple color of you. ‘Think it was easier in younger days. Blue ‘Sure a lot of people would love to see ya. They keep asking if […]
Creative American, creative, perspective
I am an American… But I asked myself, What was I before (an American)? My thoughts stretch back, thinking of my spirit outside borders and time. So much labor is put on what it means to be that word. I asked myself, What am I meant to be after (an American)? Maybe my spirit follows […]
Creative creative, dreams, poem
My thoughts scrape across the sky, like a scalpel on old bones. One that studies and probes. There were once men who dreamt of flying Soaring among the hawks. They dreamt of starships, Flashing in the depths of undiscovered Space. They dreamt of exploring the ocean depths Discovering what lies so hidden. All […]